Gallery David Almetjd – Magic Loop
Magic Loop, 2017
This work was inspired by a magician pulling an egg behind his ear in performing an appearing-disappearing-reappearing trick.
Magic Loop, 2017 (detail)
Magic Loop, 2017 (detail)
The repetition of the hands create movement in the sculptures. In a previous work ‘Vampire’ Altmejd created a similar effect by multiplying the eyes, the nose and mouth of an eerie figure.
Vampire, 2017
Le Saut, 2017
Le Saut, 2017 (detail)
Le Saut, 2017 (detail)
Le Saut, 2017 (detail)
Fan of Soul, 2017 (left)
Fan of Soul, 2017 (detail)
Magic Loop by David Altmejd, Modern Art, London, until 24 February, 2018