Gallery David Almetjd – Magic Loop

    • Magic Loop, 2017

      This work was inspired by a magician pulling an egg behind his ear in performing an appearing-disappearing-reappearing trick.

    • Magic Loop, 2017 (detail)

    • Magic Loop, 2017 (detail)

      The repetition of the hands create movement in the sculptures. In a previous work ‘Vampire’ Altmejd created a similar effect by multiplying the eyes, the nose and mouth of an eerie figure.

    • Vampire, 2017

    • Le Saut, 2017

    • Le Saut, 2017 (detail)

    • Le Saut, 2017 (detail)

    • Le Saut, 2017 (detail)

    • Fan of Soul, 2017 (left)

    • Fan of Soul, 2017 (detail)

      Magic Loop by David Altmejd, Modern Art, London, until 24 February, 2018