A series of images of Holland’s leading actress, Halina Reijn, photographed by Rahi Rezvani, will be displayed at Schipperskapel in Bruges.
In 2014, in conjunction with the launch of the fifth edition of 200%, we opened a Pop-Up Gallery. For a period of four weeks in Amsterdam, we exhibited a photo series of the actress Halina Reijn photographed by Rahi Rezvani, which features in the edition.
The series, named ‘Reijngold – The Raw Emotions of Halina Reijn’, in which the actress of Toneelgroep Amsterdam portrays a range of emotions, with her face and her body, that vary from ‘Shamed’ to ‘Lustful’ to ‘Psychotic’.
Reijn commented on the collaboration with Rezvani: “For me, it’s fantastic to work with people who draw out my latent talent, which is an urge simmering inside of me. It’s an incredible release when I have the opportunity to bring it to the forefront, which is what occurred during that day [of the shoot].”
During Bruges Photo Festival (5 December – 10 January 2016) Rezvani’s moving black and white series will be exhibited at a historic location; Schipperskapel. It’s an old chapel and former home of capuchins, which has since been turned into a cultural centre in the city of Bruges.
Those who missed the exhibition in Amsterdam can view the work in Bruges now. The official opening will be on Saturday 5 December from 14.00-17.00. We hope to see you there.
‘The Raw Emotions of Halina Reijn’ by Rahi Rezvani from 5 December 2015 – 10 January 2016. Schipperskapel, Komvest 38, 8000 Brugge
Image: Halina Reijn photographed by Rahi Rezvani for 200% magazine